It has now been over a year since I started working at Signature Business Consulting! There has been a lot of growth in my overall understanding of the industry—and at times I'm still learning!—which is one of the many reasons why I love my job.

One of the more difficult tasks, in this industry and many others, is picking up the industry jargon. Jargon is simply the specific terms or words used in an industry that are uncommon in the broad community. There are hundreds of terms and acronyms that are consistently used that need to be remembered. I've noticed when speaking to others that I often expect them to have a full understanding of our work lingo and I know how it feels to listen to someone who sounds like they are speaking a completely different language.
I came up with a small list of most commonly used acronyms and terms that are important to know and wanted to share them with you!
Frequently Used Acronyms & Terms:
SBC: Signature Business Consulting
Qualified CRP: Qualified Community Rehabilitation Program; qualified to operate under the Welfare and Institution Code 19404.
NPA: Non Profit Agency
DVBE: Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
SB: Small Business
WIC: Welfare and Institution Codes
WIC 19403: Defined as the “Encourager” in the Welfare Institution Code. The California State legislature encourages government agencies to contract without bid to qualified nonprofit agencies that employ persons with disabilities.
WIC 19404: Defined as the “Qualifier” in the Welfare Institution Code. List the criteria which a nonprofit must meet in order to be qualified for without bid contracts under the WIC.
“State Use” Contracting: Term used to describe the without bid contract process under the Welfare Institution Code
SHC 223: Streets and Highway Code 223 gives authorization to CalTrans to contract with qualified nonprofit companies without bid specifically for CalTrans Safety Roadside Rest Areas.
SRRA: Safety Roadside Rest Area
A lot of our clients we work with abbreviate their name for efficiency and sustainable reasons. Below is a list of State Agencies that are important to know!
CalTrans: California Department of Transportation
DMV: Department of Motor Vehicles
CHP: California Highway Patrol
DGS: Department of General Services
DDS: Department of Developmental Services
DWR: Department of Water Resources
CDCR: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
This is just a small glimpse of the world we work in and the language used on a daily basis. Hopefully you now have a little bit better of an understanding of the terms and language we use, and if you have any questions or want to learn more, please feel free to reach out anytime!