In the world of Government contracting, the procurement process is one inconvenience. There are so many obstacles and roadblocks that government employees must jump through to fulfill a government contract in the State of California successfully. What if I told you there is an easier way? A way to do your job and save time, money, and headache, all while helping support a noble cause. Instead of the standard process of creating a Scope of Work, acquiring all of the necessary bid documents, holding site visits, answering questions, and posting contracts for advertised bid, awarding, disputing, addendums, rebids… what if there was a way to bypass all of the same repetitive steps and simply negotiate a price with a vendor and sign the dotted line without having to go out to bid? Good news, there is, and it's called the State Use Law.
The No Bidding Process or State Use Process is a 100% legal and ethical way of contracting out work to vendors. According to the WIC codes 19403 & 19404 and the Streets and Highway Code, legislatures encourage state agencies to contract work to CRPs or Qualified Rehabilitation Programs. CRPs are typically non-profits that employ persons with disabilities. According to the U.S Labor Bureau of Statistics, only 19 percent of people with disabilities are currently employed, leaving 81% of people out of work. A large pool of fresh labor is ready to be sent out into the workforce. We at Signature Business Consulting are experts in identifying CRPS and State agencies that could benefit most.
How does it Work?
The best part about utilizing the State Use Process compared to the standard procurement process is that it's far more convenient. It only requires a few steps to complete. Here is the breakdown of the steps:
Step 1: Receive authority to bid on the desired services. (i.e. Landscape Janitorial)
Step 2: Identify a Qualified Rehabilitation Program willing and able to fulfill the Scope of Work.
Step 3: Negotiate the price and terms of the contract & submit it to DPAC for approval.
No advertised bid process is necessary. State Agencies are legally and encouraged to contract services out to CRPs. This process saves government employees time and hardship, yet very few are aware. I'm sure you have many questions about the legitimacy of the State Use Process but rest assured, several agencies across the State are using this process. Cal-Trans, DMV, and State Military are just a few departments that, year after year, continue to renew contracts that have been secured via State Use. And once an agreement is negotiated through the state use process, it stays effective as long as both parties are satisfied. At any point, if you feel discontent with the vendor or services being provided, we can terminate the contract at the next renewal date.

What's Signature's Role?
In all of this, SBC is working tirelessly to find opportunities for both parties. We hold personal and valuable relationships with several departments & agencies across the State. Furthermore, over the last 30 years, we have attained strong personal relationships with CRPs. Through these critical relationships and years of experience, we can assist government employees with the help they need to walk through the State Use Process. We've seen the immediate and powerful impact of the State Use Process on persons with disabilities. Helping give these people an opportunity to work and positively contribute to society is the backbone of our mission. We are in your corner fighting for you and willing and able to assist in any way we can. Government contracting can be meticulous and tedious, but there's a better way, and we are here to help. The first step can be as simple as giving Signature a call. One of our experts will be able to walk you through the State Use Process and save you hours in the office.